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I love the description of the hues and tints of horror. And I think the absence of all color, black and white, is also an effective medium for terror. For example, Alfred Hitchcock chose to film “Psycho” in black to enhance the stark contrast between them in things like the shower scene, in which black ink was used in lieu of blood going down the drain. Did you ever see the Salvador Dalí short film, Un Chien Andalou?

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dic 9, 2023·editado dic 9, 2023Autor

Yeah! I´ve seen Un chien andalou. So powerful images! Ants like marmalade covering the hand, a crucifixion... By the way, I´ve had a dream a few nights ago prompted by your AI images of snow. It´s funny, because they were about a castle black and brown, pure colors, no shades, no hues, and everything was covered with pure white snow. I´ve written about it... Thanks a lot for your comment here, for reading me. Also, Picasso´s painting, Guernica , whites and greys and blacks... there´s no red blood there.............. hmmm... I believe red reveals passion. Death must have no color.... Hmmm... rambling here... so interesting....

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I absolutely love “Guernica” and what a great story about the dream of snow, and I’m so flattered that it derived from my AI image! It’s funny that you mention having a dream based on the AI image, because I make the analogy to people often that, to me, AI art is much like the power of tarot cards to create imagery in one’s mind that can influence out subconscious state. And the sepia tones, the black and browns, are also so mysterious. People claim we don’t dream in color, but I have my doubts from an actual private experience that is too complicated to summarize. But the implication was that I would not have been able to pass through a dream landscape without being able to distinguish between the colors of a series of lamps that kept changing colors to trick me. When I woke up, I thought to myself that I would not have been able to distinguish between these colors if they had not also been there in the dream.

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