2 Comentarios

Beautiful essay! 👏 I really love the aesthetic of Berlin as it is now. And I happen to be old enough to remember East Berlin as well. I crossed over into East Berlin in the late 1980s to visit Museum Island. It was such an interesting experience. But what was even MORE interesting was returning to Berlin in 2012 and seeing how the city had changed. I try to visit there often and am hoping to visit in 2024. These pictures made me smile. Thank you!

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Thank you so much for your comment! I´d really love to visit Berlin someday. I left my essay ambiguous, the pictures I post here belong to a spanish town, but the architecture -my imagination - was so "berlinesque" that I just wrote freely and couldn´t help portraying a nightmarish cityscape. I so love that type of architecture... so depressing haha... wonderfully, deadly poetic! I´d absolutely love to see one of the pictures that you have from the city in the 80´s... Fascinating. Have you read Berlin Alexanderplatz? That Berlin that no longer exists after the war. It´s a new city, over and over. Reborn. Thanks again for your feedback! So much appreciated.

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