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Hola , Estoy Seguro Que A Fernando Alfaro , Le Encantaría Ver Éste Video Tan Fascinante. ¿ Por Cierto Té Has Comprado El Último Álbum De Surfin Bichos , O Lo Has Visto En Concierto Alguna Vez ?. Un Saludo.

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mar 23Gustado por Yolanda M.

Total Art in the service of pioneering highly charged psychological emotional terrain! Wow!

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Glad you got the insanely psychological mood! ha.. I was thinking of the surrealist movies, Buñuel,... Man Ray... crazy images... hmmm... will work on it! Thank you!

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mar 23Gustado por Yolanda M.

Yes! I totally get that and so enjoy the Art and Film of Man Ray and Luis Buñuel since I was a kid in LA. 2 of my absolutely favorite books are My Last Sigh (1982) by Luis Buñuel and Man Ray: American Artist (1988) by Neil Baldwin. Note: I often recommend these 2 books and include Edie: An American Biography (1982) by Jean Stein and George Plimpton. ALL great fun books for Artists. And thank you for introducing me to Sabina Spielrein, really so fascinating. Such richness in ALL your influences and source material here. Finally, your drawings and paintings in the video AND Vampiros (los artistas) are so powerful and edgy. Hope we can exhibit NEW ART from you here in the US and or collab on something sometime. OK keep up your terrific work! Keep us ALL on our toes! **Do you know if the others in your thread got my invite to contribute their version of Frankenstein? I was thinking of inviting others in my network to consider contributing.

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Oh I love that biography of Edie Sedgwick! Fragmented visions of all the characters around Warhol, testimonies of friends, witnessing years of her life,.. so fascinating that structure! A collage... I ´ll tell some friends about your Frankenstein, but in substack I´m alone. I know some artists on Instagram and LinkedIn.. I´ll try to get them over here... Thank you for your feedback and inspiration! That spark! ... I´m working on this surrealist idea and will figue out something... let me think, yes....

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mar 28·editado mar 28Gustado por Yolanda M.

Can't wait for your next creation. Maybe we can create a video Corpse Exquisite with a handful of artists submitting a 1 scene/single shot MP4, perhaps working off the theme of The Body, that someone can edit (stitch) together with a chance or random sequencing a blind sequencing. 15sec time limit for each and anything goes. Contributers can have a related written work in post -- all of which can also be included adjacent to the final Dream!

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mar 28·editado mar 28Autor

I´ve been inviting people on LinkedIn to collaborate. And Dito Ferrer told me about Audacity, Reaper or Ableton Live (? more or less? about audio edition) ... I´m posting now what I´ve done after Sylvia Plath´s poem... Watch me... or better, listen to me! I´ll tag you... just wait..........

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mar 30Gustado por Yolanda M.

what is the audacity reaper ableton live thing?

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nice one

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